2018 Applying to Grad School
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Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
Thunderbird School of Global Management prepares students to enter the complex and exciting environment of international leadership, with specialized training in a master’s degree program that includes preparation in cross-cultural relations, global political economy, and regional business environments.
Successful applicants to Thunderbird demonstrate a global mindset in their academic and professional pursuits. This may include language or study-abroad experience, as well as some form of global focus in their previous studies. However, the school is also interested in applicants who may have limited global experience but aspire to work in a global role, aim to make an impact in a global organization, or seek to become a change agent in their own right as an entrepreneur.
“Showing continuity—tying undergraduate studies, internships, and work experience—in a particular field or passion makes for a compelling profile,” says MaryAnne Riodique, assistant director of global recruitment. “We also like to see evidence of strategic decision-making and problem-solving experience.”
In discussing what to highlight on an application, Riodique asks, “Did you come up with an innovative idea, process, or project and have an opportunity to implement it? Did it affect your organization or firm’s trajectory in some way? Did you intentionally put yourself in a foreign environment, outside of your comfort zone, just to push your limits?”
Thunderbird prepares students to be leaders in global environments of volatility, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Along with international management fundamentals, a Thunderbird education focuses on dealing with diversity, change, and the unexpected.

“We like to see that you can navigate the boundaries of language and culture seamlessly, and that you can adapt to an ever-changing business environment with relative ease.” -MaryAnne Riodique, Assistant Director of Global Recruitment, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
The school favors candidates who are comfortable putting themselves in uncomfortable situations. “That is a very ‘Thunderbird’ quality,” says Riodique. “We like to see that you can navigate the boundaries of language and culture seamlessly, and that you can adapt to an ever-changing business environment with relative ease.”
Thunderbird requires GMAT or GRE scores for applicants to both full-time programs: the Master of Arts in Global Affairs & Management (MAGAM) and the Master of Global Management (MGM). The school also looks at applicants’ college grade-point average as well as the amount and quality of work experience.
A quality recommendation letter can speak to an applicant’s strengths and explain how various qualifications would equip the applicant to perform well in the program and beyond. The school requires one letter of recommendation. “While a recommendation from a manager, director, or supervisor is always preferred, a recommendation from a colleague or a client would also qualify,” says Riodique.
Master’s Degree Program Options:
• Master of Arts in Global Affairs & Management (MAGAM)
• Master of Global Management (MGM)
• Executive Master of Global Management (EMGM)
• Online Master of Global Management
• Online Master of Applied Leadership & Management (MALM)
Participates in the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.
Application Deadlines for Fall 2019:
• October 30, 2018 – for early consideration
• November 30, 2018 – first round
• January 30, 2019 – second round
• January 30, 2019 – for private/endowed scholarship opportunities
• March 30, 2019 – for international applicants
• May 25, 2019 – final deadline
Standardized Exam Scores: GMAT OR GRE (MAGAM and MGM applicants)
Recommendation Letters: One required, preferably from a manager, director, or supervisor
Application Checklist: http://thunderbird.asu.edu/magam
Visit the Request Info page to receive more information.
- 2018 Applying to Grad School
- American University, School of International Service (SIS)
- University of Denver, Josef Korbel School of International Studies
- Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
- Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
- Boston University, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies
- UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS)
- University of Kent, Brussels School of International Studies
- The New School, Julien J. Studley Graduate Programs in International Affairs
- University of Washington, The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
- Texas A&M University, Bush School of Government and Public Service