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FP Guide

2016 Leaders in Higher Education

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University of Kent, Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS)

Based in Europe’s Capital City

The University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS) offers a flexible, interdisciplinary curriculum in Europe’s capital city. The school’s atmosphere and programs are international, with a European flavor.

The University of Kent is the only British university with a school in Brussels. BSIS students benefit from exposure to NATO and other international organizations, the European Commission, the European Parliament, a variety of NGOs, think tanks, and more. The location gives students a unique opportunity to engage in internships with some of the world’s leading organizations.

Tom Casier, academic director, associates the school with four i’s: “BSIS is international, interconnected with Brussels, interdisciplinary, and interactive in its approach to learning.”

“BSIS is international, interconnected with Brussels, interdisciplinary, and interactive in its approach to learning.” –Tom Casier, Academic Director, Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent

Flexibility is a hallmark of BSIS: Programs may be tailored to suit individual needs, and courses span such disciplines as political science, law, sociology, history, and economics. The school’s flexible approach to learning also makes it feasible for students to pursue an internship alongside their studies.

In addition to offering a wide range of program choices, BSIS is a friendly, diverse, and cohesive community of approximately 250 students from about 65 different countries. Students benefit from close access to professors, a research-active environment, and exposure to practitioners from Brussels-based organizations.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of the many tours, conferences, seminars, and receptions taking place in Brussels during their graduate studies at BSIS to meet and network with contacts in their field. These can provide excellent opportunities for students to develop their research or get a foot in the door with organizations in their area of interest.

In the University of Kent’s Two Capitals program, BSIS students may spend their first year in Brussels and then broaden their international perspective by spending their second year in Washington, D.C., working toward an additional master’s degree.

Master’s Degrees offered: See Program Directory